New Gear!! Part 1

My annual trip to Milwaukee for DoorsOpenMKE is coming up next month. I decided to buy some new gear. Most of the sites we visit in Milwaukee are tripod friendly, but I've been seeing ads for the Platypod Ultra and decided to give it a try.  It arrived a couple weeks ago, but I haven't taken it out in the real world yet. I've only done some testing at the house.

I bought the Platypod Ultra, the Multi-accessory kit and an Oben BA-113T ballhead (which matches the ballhead on my regular tripod) from B & H Photo

In testing it around the house, the Platypod is exceptional well designed. So much thought went into every aspect of the design. It also appears to be really well built. Again, real world tests will prove it out, but I have no doubt I will lose it before it fails. 

Here's a tip for those with multiple cameras and/or tripods. Use the same model ballhead on your tripod and Platypod. It will save a lot of time being able to switch cameras without having to unscrew and reattach the adapter. 

Platypod Ultra, Multi-Accessory Kit (nylon straps not shown), Oben BA-113T Ballhead

Canon 5Dsr on Platypod Ultra